Kaunar Yesu which in English is translated the love of Christ is a song that talks about the unconditional love Christ have us as his children to the extend of given his only begotten son to die on the cross just so we could be saved.
The death and ressurection of Christ brought salvation to whom so ever believe in him,and that is why we can say with all confidence that if not for the love Christ has for the church then our life’s would have been a big mess.
The only assurance a child of God has is the fact that Christ died on the cross and brought salvation to him.So just imagine that Jesus did not die? what will the believer boast off?
what will happen after we must have departed this world?
How long we will continue to sacrifice the blood of animals for the atonement of our sins?
Thank God for the finished work of salvation on the cross of Calvary,he has given us hope,purpose and something to live and die for.
Truly if Christ did not die then my life/our life would have been a mess.
I pray this song minister the unconditional love of Christ to your heart and bring healing to your soul,and to also remind you that no matter how far you’ve gone the arms of the father are wide open to receive you back.
Download and be blessed